Thursday, July 5, 2007

What's up with this Tagging stuff

I don't understand Internet code.....I don't understand geek code. Why does tagging mean I'm supposed to respond back. Because Kenna has been bugging me about the fact that she 'tagged' me I'll respond to the questions, but I'm not going to tag anyone.

Remove the blog from the top, move all the blogs up one, and add yourself to the bottom.

The Lyon's Tale
Sundial in the Shade

What were you doing ten years ago?
10 years ago I was learning Finnish in the MTC....that is scary that it was that long ago. I wasn't 19 yet, but I got to go early to the MTC because I planned on playing football in college after my mission and the church allowed me to go early enough so that I would turn 19 in the MTC, so I got to have my first day as May 28th, 1997. I've heard now that they keep Finnish Missionaries 3 months in the MTC, but I got the usual 2 months that most foreign speaking missionaries get.

What were you doing one year ago?

I was giving notice to Dentrix to leave for AdvancedMD. Although there have been bumps and I can't say that I have enjoyed every single day at AdvancedMD, the company is great. I work a lot more than than I ever had to at Dentrix, but I like the company.

Five snacks you enjoy:
1. Ice Cream...I don't eat too much of it anymore, but I love Farr's Starlight Mint, and when I can get it from BYU Creamery, their Root beer is to die for.
2. Olives and a can of Chicken....with Miracle Whip it's a tasty treat
3. Chili.....for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
4. Zoom, Cream of Wheat, and Oatmeal.....for breakfast, lunch and dinner (I have a simple palate)
5. Caramel Popcorn....I'm going to pass the Gordon family recipe to Carter.

Five songs you know all the lyrics to:
I'm changing this because I love to learn lyrics....I don't listen to songs because they sound good, I mean that is what gets me interested at first, but I can usually pick out and sing the chorus to songs on the radio the first time I listen to them and from there I just learn the lyrics. So I'm going to list the groups of which I know most songs lyrics (Every band has a few sucky songs and I don't care to listen or learn those)

1. Collective Soul
2. Peter Breinholt
3. Edwin McCain
4. Lifehouse
5. Switchfoot

Things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Ok, I'm clarifying and changing every question....hopefully UB works and Kenna and I can be millionaires, but if not then I'm going to win the lottery, and this is why you want me to win it:

1. Everyone I'm friends with would be rich too. (It's no fun being the only rich person you know, so if I won the lottery then family and friends would all share the wealth.)
2. Two Words: Gordon Villas!!! If you can't live near everyone you care about then what is the point of having a big nice house, so everyone I know that would be included on the list of recipients of number 1 would all get houses as part of the deal.
3. Free Benefits and college. The family and friends would all receive health and dental care as well as life insurance, and then every child would be able to pull from a scholarship fund to pay for 4 years of college.
4. Amenities!!! Gordon Villas is going to have some sweet stuff, like a community pool and clubhouse....when I win I'm open to suggestions as to what else to include.
5. Ok so this one is a little selfish, but if I were rich, I'd pay James write books with me, because we can never seem to find the time to write.

Five bad habits:
1. Spending too much time playing games
2. Being lazy at home (by the time I get home from work, I don't feel like doing most of the time I have to work more from home anyway.)
3. Dieting or the lack thereof
4. Working out....see #3
5. Staying up too late

Five things you like to do:
1. Video Games (At least I recognize it's sometimes a bad habit)
2. Write (In any form...books, stories, even this blog)
3. Listening to music....especially in the car cuz I've got mad skillz at car dancing
4. Reading
5. Sports (Watching, playing, dreaming about Carter playing them someday)

Things you will never wear again:
Ok, here's the thing with this one....there are a lot of things that I thought were 'cool' until the day I got married. Then I was informed that those articles of clothing are not appropriate for civilized society. So whether I like it or not here is what I will never wear again....some I totally agree with now....I was a nerd

1. Tucked in shirts.....This was rule #1 of my instruction from Kenna....things tucked in are not cool unless you're wearing a dress shirt and then only when you are wearing dress pants. As we were dating anytime Kenna saw me wear a tucked in shirt it was promptly untucked by her. It got to be so frequent that if I forgot my friends would do it for me if they noticed I had forgotten.
2. Black Belts with Brown shoes and visa versa. I knew this, but I didn't think it was like a cardinal rule for even casual wear.
3. Braided Belts....never again will you see a really long braided belt that is cinched into itself.
4. Navy and Black are great, but not together
5. Christmas socks that say 'Ho Ho Ho' to church in July. What can I say I love those socks, and one day they mysteriously disappeared.

Five favorite toys:
1. Xbox 360....NCAA 2008 comes out in 11 days!!!!
2. Does Carter count....I know I should have him listed #1 here, but I guess he's not really a know what the ultimate toy is??? Carter and I playing NCAA 2012.
3. Laptop....I've never surfed the internet so much and hey I'm actually blogging...I just hate how small the keyboard is.
4. The Mazda 3....I never thought I would like the small car as much as I do, but when I drive our Tribute it makes me miss the 3.
5. My Ipod....I don't get to use it so much, but when I'm working out it keeps me going.

Where will I be in ten years?
Enjoying my lottery winnings with all of my friends and family.....and maybe realistically done with college and either writing a book or programming (My goal is to finish college before Carter....although I'm sure he'd dig his pop in the same classes with him....I can be his wingman for picking up the ladies and he'd love that...j/k)

Five people to tag:
I'm not continuing this....if you want to answer these questions then I promise that if you tag 97 people that at the stroke of 11:52 PM that same night you can make a wish and it will come true. It works, cuz I got an email one day and I did that and that's how I know I'm winning the lottery someday, I just have to drive to Idaho to buy tickets.