Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Man Crush

It was a day like any other back in March of 2005. I was happily employed at Infotrax and life was good to me. During this time of peace there was a song that was on the radio by Tim McGraw and Nelly titled Over and Over Again. Natasha, and many other women have always thought that Tim McGraw was a good looking man. Personally, I never really understood why. And then I saw the music video and my innocence faded, and I could no longer disagree with the women of the world. In that video I could see how women thought he was attractive... and maybe even a smoking hot 180 pounds of man meat with a goatee and a hat.
I made this comment to Natasha and she was happy that I finally saw the light. Some advice that I would give to the men of the world is to only share your man crushes with your wives. Never, and I mean never, share them with your co-workers. This was the beginning of the end for me.
I suffer from a disease called speakyourmindbeforethinking-itis. When I arrive at work the next day I happen to share my current revelation on my thoughts of Tim McGraw with Steve, Jennica and one other person. I should have thought of the consequence, but I didn't care. Where it went from bad to worse was how I worded my new found man crush with my friends. I believe the exact words were, "Guys, I just saw the new Tim McGraw video, and he is hot." And then there was laughter.
I then went to get a drink of water. I didn't go to the bathroom, I didn't go on a lunch break, I only got water. When I cane back to my desk my framed picture of Natasha had been replaced by a picture of Tim Mcgraw. I have to admit that that was one of the funniest moments ever.
The question is why can women say to one another how pretty another girl is, or how much they like their clothes or make-up. But us as men can’t do the same. For some reason it just sounds wrong. Here are two examples:

Scenario 1
BYU stadium:
Natasha: Hey Mckenna, I love that girl’s hat it is so cute. I wish I had it.
Mckenna: Oh, I know her, she is really pretty and nice, she has been in shape since high school.
(They share a laugh and then go back to talking about make-up)

Scenario 2.
BYU stadium:
Steve: Hey James, look at that guy coming up the stairs. He has really nailed coordinating his belt to his shoes.
James: I bet all the girls love him. He is really good looking. And I can tell that he works out. He looks so strong.
(We share a laugh then go back to looking through our binoculars)

I guess as men we must keep our inner thoughts to ourselves as to other males. And we must never have a moment of weakness when we open our souls to our co-workers about a new found admiration for one hot aging man of country... sigh ...