Monday, March 31, 2008

So the work laptop finally arrived Yay!!! Well actually it arrived about 3 months ago, I just sucked and didn't post for a while. Hey I've been busy. I mean there were all those great reality TV shows with the writer's strike and stuff. Plus, I was playing a lot of Xbox Live...oh wait my account ended like 2 months ago. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I just sucked, and I know it's Blog Taboo to say why you haven't blogged for a while, but I don't care.

Obviously, with all the time that's passed, things have happened in my life. Heck Carter is now almost a year old. That is weird to me that we've had him for that long. Life has definitely changed, for the better, but I'm not sure that I could have really expected the extent that it changed. Life has slowed down and yet it's crazy how fast things are going. It seems like we waited forever for firsts in Carter's life like crawling, his first words (first word was Dada.....YES!!!!), his personality coming out. The next big thing we're waiting on is walking.

Work has gotten better for me. I'm in a new position now where I get to work on projects in all sizes and varieties. It's pretty fun and I'm learning a lot.

So hopefully I'm going to get the opportunity to post more frequently...because I'm running out of excuses for not posting....and I know you're all dying for more Church of Steve and Bathroom etiquette.

I'm going to start a favorite Carter moment in my posts. I'll try to make it something funny, but it may end up being something that is just cute that I wanted to let everyone know about.

More posts to follow.....hopefully.

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