Monday, April 21, 2008

Can I get a side salad with my Caesar Salad?

I’ve been doing a diet for nearly 6 weeks now. I only committed to do it for a month, but it’s working so I’m going to keep doing it until I stop losing weight on it. So far it’s been 42 lbs.

Some diet’s are weird to me, I know that I need to eat better and that my habits need to change, but I would much rather just kick my butt in the gym and then consciously try to make better food choices, rather than completely shut off every food I love. That is the way I have typically been able to lose weight and be happy by having a free day or meal, but that is also the same philosophy that got me to the way I am/was. So far on this diet, I’ve only worked out once and I’m on my way down in weight. The diet….Medifast, which is kind of like Nutri-System in that they send you meals that you eat throughout the day, however on Medifast you get to eat a Lean and Green meal every day. Sometimes when I’m feeling really hungry on the diet I’ll have two Lean and Green meals a day.

At first this Diet was pretty hard and now it’s just normal and some days really easy. Others….I have the number for a Pizza delivery ready and I’m just waiting for Kenna to want to cheat with me. I can tell you it’s weird shifting from working out weight control to just losing weight from a structured diet (I know you should ideally do both, but the time I went and worked out on this diet was the least satisfying workout I’ve ever had in my life….I think it’s a calorie thing and the fact that I’m now eating probably 1/3 of the normal calories I use to eat), I’ve been a gym rat before in my life…I put on 30-40 lbs of weight from the beginning of my Junior year in High School to the end of my Senior year, and for the most part that was solid muscle. I used to subscribe to bodybuilding magazines and although I was never hardcore into getting muscles to stick out in weird places….I enjoyed working my body out to the brink of exhaustion and then seeing it recover and come back stronger. It was a game of making my mind stronger than my muscles and pain. The only thing is that this is really working now and in 25 lbs….I’ll be at the weight I was when I graduated High School. Holy Crap!!! That was 12 years ago. My Goal weight would be a weight that hasn’t graced my body since I was 15 years old….and I’m pretty sure I’ll wear it better now than I did back then. Not that I was a fat kid but I was always “Broad Shouldered” or “Husky” which are just gentle ways of telling a fat guy he’s big/fat without making it seem rude.

Hopefully in 4-6 months I’ll post a before and after picture with results that will be something like the biggest loser winners. We’ll see, for right now, I’m just drinking a lot of Diet Drinks to get my sweetness fixes, and I order side salads at restaurants with my Salad. Why do you ask? Because when the others around me order their appetizers, I have something to eat that won’t really be cheating and I’m not tempted. Will I be able to continue eating like this? I’m not sure, but the older my son becomes I realize that I don’t want to leave him when he’s only 24 years old, newly married and filled with questions about life, fatherhood, and being a husband like my dad left me. In order to do that I’ve got to stop the same habits I learned from my dad.

Carter Moment of the Post:
Carter has decided that the dog is his new best friend. The only problem is that he likes to play ‘konk’ with the dog. If our dog were a larger size this might be okay, but on a Chihuahua it’s a big deal. For those of you not in the know on the game ‘konk’….it’s basically a game where your son (maybe little girls do it too, but I’ve only heard of boys doing it) will head butt you over and over and over. Sounds fun huh? It works because he’s hitting you with thick part of the top of his head so he’s not really hurting himself, however the game of ‘konk’ when you’re not watching can be devastating. I have a sister that broke her nose when her 18 month son decided it was time to play and she wasn’t ready. The key to the game is to get them to say ‘konk’ when they are going to do it so that you have a warning. Well Dino is often times not ready and Carter is pretty good at trapping our dog to either ‘konk’ him or to squeeze the life out of him with one of his other new things….hugging. We love that one……Dino at 6 lbs….not so much.


McKenna Gordon said...

You rock the Medifast.
And that Carter of ours...

Karlene said...

All my girls played konk. I remember getting a goose egg or two in my time.

Great news on that diet. Keep it up. :)