Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Guy's Guide To Proper Public Bathroom Etiquette Part 1

Let me start this series of posts off with the statement that I don’t spend more time in the bathroom than the average person. Also, I don’t sit in the bathroom and think of things that annoy me like this. Over time working with larger companies I have noticed a few things that guys do that in my opinion ‘break the rules’ for public bathroom behavior.

Here's an obvious one right out of the gate.

Wash Your Hands.

You wouldn’t believe it, but a lot of guys don’t do this. It’s pretty sad because I would say at least 1/3 of all guys don't do this (At least that I observe). This is probably one of the etiquette rules that I do notice actively. Actually, if you don’t do this my friend at work and I put you on an unwritten list of people that we track. This is the list of people that we do not allow to touch anything we have at work. When we have to let you touch things we then liberally apply GermX to the affected area. Just because you’ve decided to live with the nastiness of not washing doesn’t mean we all have to have your germs.

I think in the spirit of not breaking Rule 2 I’m going to keep these posts to 1 or 2 rules, so I’ll share one more rule and then I’ll save the others for future posts:

Don’t peek over the dividers

Some of these are just simple things that most of us sit there and say “No duh!” Well, this is another one that for whatever reason and it’s not a subtle thing, but guys will look at you while you are peeing in the urinal. I don’t know what type of guy needs to get their kicks from this, but it’s gross. Even if you live a different lifestyle, this is not something that screams sexy to me. This also begs the question….why are dividers in the guy’s restroom only 4 feet high? Oh we have our normal tall Stalls, but for the urinals you’re only getting privacy if you’re 8 years old or a midget. They just beg for guys that are perpetual offenders to break this rule. This makes for one of the most awkward moments in the restroom.