Monday, November 19, 2007


We all have experiences growing up that have traumatized us in different ways. Some of them we look back on and still feel the horror while others we look back on and think "I can't believe that scared me."

I have an interesting story about Lobsters to share that traumatized me when I was growing up. I think I was around 4 or 5 at the oldest and my dad traveled a lot (He was a pilot). He had just returned home from New England and we were going to have a big dinner. The dinner had a special main course that none of the younger kids knew was simply a surprise.

So Mike and I were taking a bath together (Yes we were young enough to do that and still fit comfortably in the tub). My dad had just returned home when we had got in the tub and he decided to come in and see us. Little did we know he had guests in each hand......Lobsters. They were still alive and pinching or trying to that is. My brother and I had never seen anything like them before and well I don't know about him but I was scared.

So here we are in the tub filled with water when my dad tells us that the Lobsters came from the water and that he would like to make them feel at home by putting them in the tub with us. We didn't like this at all especially when my dad said that if we got to close to the Lobsters they would pinch our weeners off. This wasn't something that I really fancied, and I don't think my brother did either because we screamed loud enough for our mother to save us. I can still remember my dad joking about it later.

The funny thing about this is, yes that traumatized me as a kid, and it wasted a perfectly good slot on the 3 things I didn't have eat list for many years, but now that I'm a dad I think back on those things that traumatized me and laugh. Some of them were pretty funny and although I'm not going to threaten Carter with Lobsters, I'm sure there are things when he grows up that I will have done that he will laugh at when he has kids of his own.

1 comment:

James said...

That is a funny story!